Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Katy's Thanksgiving Stuffing

I have had a lot of requests for this recipe today. It is probably my #1 signature recipe.
And so here it is... Happy Thanksgiving to all!


2 loaves white bread
1 package cubed stuffing mix
1 pound bacon
1 pound Italian sausage
1 pound mushrooms
1 can chicken broth
2-3 onions
1 bunch celery
Eggs or EggBeaters
Your choice of spices. I use garlic salt, garlic powder, onion salt, celery salt, parsley, sage, thyme, basil and rosemary


About one week before, remove bread from wrapper and place slices on cookie sheets. Allow to air dry until bread is completely dry. Alternatively, as a last minute option, you can dry bread in the oven at a low temperature.
Break dried bread into bite size pieces. Place in an aluminum turkey roasting pan.
Chop onions and celery. Saute in butter until very soft. Add to bread.
Slice mushrooms and saute until soft. Add to bread.
Cut bacon into one inch slices. Fry until crisp.  Save bacon drippings. Add to bread.
Brown sausage. Add to bread.
Mix all with your hands.
Add chicken broth to soften the bread.  Whisk eggs and add to bread (I use Eggbeaters because I like to taste the stuffing after the seasonings are added and prefer not to eat raw eggs). Add small amount of bacon drippings.
The bread mixture should be soft but not soggy.
Season as you like. Taste often and be careful that it does not get too salty.
Place in large casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

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