About Me

Hi, I'm Katy!
Thanks for stopping by my little place on the internet.

I started this blog as a way to keep track of my favorite recipes. It grew as people began asking me for recipes and it seemed simplest to link them to the blog.

I have had a passion for food and cooking as long as I can remember. As a child, mom would always buy whatever ingredients I requested and allow me to cook and create in her kitchen. My dad would complain that I spent too much time cutting recipes out of magazines. Those childhood culinary experiences led me to my education in food science and sensory evaluation and a 32 year career in the food and beverage industry.

Today I am a wife, a mother and a grandmother who continues to cook and believes in creating memories through food.  Favorite moments include gathering my family and friends around the table for good food, conversation and laughter. I love to explore food culture through travel. Instead of visiting a well known museum on my travels, you will find me at the local farmer's market or grocery store, exploring the food.

I hope you will find a recipe or two here to add to your collection and your memories.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Katy, it´s been nice having you and Bill in Rioja. Besutiful experience. Thanks for that. I also want to tell you: congratulations! This is a superb blog.