Sunday, May 27, 2018


I have recently returned from travels to Spain and Portugal. One of my favorite destinations on our trip was San Sebastian on the northern coast of Spain.  The food scene in San Sebastian is amazing. They boast that they have more Michelin star restaurants per capita than anywhere else in the world.

I loved the pintxos. Elsewhere in Spain known as tapas, but this is the proud Basque region of Spain where things go a bit differently.  San Sebastian's Old Town provides the ideal streets and alleys for  pintxo-hopping. Each bar has a dazzling display of pintxos. You grab what you want and ask for a small glass of wine, beer or iced vermouth. We were told that only tourists take plates; locals just use a napkin and when done, throw the napkin on the floor. It's an honor system where you tell the bartender what you have had when you are done and pay. Then, move on to the next bar and repeat.

I am sure there are many cookbooks on pintxos. Here, instead of a recipe, I offer you photos of the pintxos in San Sebastian. Enjoy the visual feast!

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