Friday, July 24, 2015

Homemade Pasta

Homemade pasta tastes so much better than anything you can buy. It is easy - with the help of a pasta machine to roll and cut it out. I like to make this with my grandchildren. They enjoy kneading the dough and then rolling it out and watching it get longer and longer. We make the noodles extra long so they are fun to eat.

This recipe makes enough pasta for 4 - 6 people. I like to mix it with fresh pesto after it is cooked.


2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 large eggs


Pour the flour into a mound in a large bowl. Make an indentation in the center of the flour. Break the eggs carefully into the indentation without disturbing the wall of flour. Use a fork to beat the eggs without incorporating the flour.
Once the eggs are beaten, use a fork to gradually add flour to the eggs, stirring in wider and wider circles.
Use both hands to push the remaining flour into the center and work the mixture into a dough.
Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it for at least 8 minutes and until it springs back from you indent it with your finger.
Divide the dough into three balls. Wrap each in plastic wrap and allow to rest for 30  minutes.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and flatten it. Flatten the dough further using a pasta machine. Alternatively, you can use a rolling pin. The dough should be very thin. Then cut into noodles using the pasta machine or a pizza cutter.
Allow the noodles to sit out on waxed paper. Separate as much as possible.
Cook the noodles the same day that they were made.  Cook, by adding them to well-salted boiling water. These noodles cook in just a few minutes. Drain and enjoy.
Add butter and parmesan or pesto.

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