Saturday, July 7, 2018

Caprese Skewers

A perfect light appetizer for a summer day, this skewered version of a caprese salad can be made in no time at all.


1 cup balsamic vinegar
8 ounces mini fresh mozzarella balls, drain well
1 pint round cherry tomatoes
Large fresh basil leaves
Salt and pepper
Bamboo skewers


Pour balsamic vinegar into small saucepan over medium-low heat. Keep at a low boil until volume is reduced by about half.  Allow to cool completely.

Cut cherry tomatoes in half. On each skewers, place one half cherry tomato, a folded basil leaf, a small mozzarella ball, a second folded basil leaf, and the other half of the cherry tomato. Place on serving plate.  Repeat until all mozzarella and tomatoes are used.

Salt and pepper the caprese skewers. Drizzle balsamic reduction syrup over all. You will not use all the balsamic reduction. Save the remainder for another use. Serve immediately.

Note: if you don't have time to reduce the balsamic vinegar, you can drizzle with several tablespoons of Italian salad dressing or straight balsamic vinegar. It won't have the intensity of flavor that a balsamic reduction provides, but still delicious.

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